step one | initial consultation
During an initial site visit, I explore the garden with the owners and listen to their views on the existing layout and planting, and what they are hoping to achieve. This allows me to assess their landscape design and planting requirements.
Following this site visit and briefing, I prepare a quotation for the cost of carrying out the Survey and drawing up Outline Design Proposals.
step four | construction drawings + setting out plans
These documents explain to a competent, professional landscape contractor how the design should be interpreted.
step seven | project management
If required, this includes liaison with contractors and monitoring of the construction and planting.
step two | land survey
A survey will be needed for all areas to be covered by the Design Proposal.
For a large or complex site, this may need to be commissioned from an independent surveyor.
step three | outline design proposal
The Outline Design Proposal includes concept layout plans, and any necessary perspective or axonometric (3D without perspective) illustrations. Interim meetings may be required during this stage of the design process to discuss emerging ideas and options.
Following approval of the Outline Design Proposal, I prepare an estimate to cover the Design Detail, which includes the following steps (4 – 6).
step five | planting plans
Planting plans are extremely detailed documents, reflecting the planting preferences of the client, soil type, orientation and the style of the Design Proposal.
step six | implementation of the design
This includes preparation of a schedule of works, specifications and tender documentation
Landscape contractors would always be employed directly by the client.
other services
Consultancy - ad hoc advice on design or planting issues
Applications to Local Authorities for Planning Permission
Plant sourcing and supply